
Strategic Partners Moving
You To Best In Class

We develop what's most important to you

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Building your purpose
and core values



It’s questions like these that help businesses identify who they are: who they are to the customer, who they are to their employees, and who they are to their OEM partners.

Your WHY represents the reason you do what you do. You don’t just sell cars, you help people find their dream vehicles in reality. “You put dreams in driveways.”

Customers may or may not know exactly what your core values are, but they should feel them.

Return business and referrals are generated through an atmosphere, not just a single person. If you rely on your rockstars to do the job alone, you’re risking the dealership’s success when they leave for employment elsewhere.


Customized Solutions


  • Participants often resist change because of the time, energy, and amount of information they can absorb at once. Banyan blends priming and exposure tactics to create a practice environment that charges behavior change.
  • A multi-faceted approach utilizes science, psychology, and dialogue frameworks to increase their own awareness of behaviors that hurt or help their customer interactions.


  • When people walk in feeling low and uninspired about training, it’s our job to get them on their feet: Literally.  Participants will be pushed passed boundaries through activities that require physical and mental teamwork to engage their minds in ways they’ve not experienced in other trainings.
  • Throughout the training we pepper in humor, videos, and activities that get them laughing and out of their shell in order to gain buy-in, which is the first step to behavior change.


  • Discussion in the classroom is essential in making the training relevant and up to date with the latest issues and actions that need to be addressed in the dealerships. We want participants to give feedback on the spot!
  • Banyan believes in change from the top down as the best way to impact behaviors that drive culture. We highly encourage management to engage in training to understand the latest expectation for their employees and to sustain those changes over time by engaging employees at the local level.

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